Generate an EPP Code

If you are planning to move your domain out of your Valice account, you will need to obtain your EPP Code (also referred to as an Authorization Code or EPP Key). Your Account must be active and in good standing without any open balances.

Log in to and follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the My Domains page
  2. To the right of the domain, click “Manage Domain” from the dropdown menu
  3. In the left navigation, click “Get EPP Code”
  4. Depending on when your domain was registered or transferred to Valice, the next page will either display the EPP Code directly on the page or it will send the Registrant email the EPP Code
  5. To check the associated Registrant email, navigate to the “Contact Information” from the left navigation

You will also need to unlock your domain if you are planning to transfer it out.

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